Border Security Vote – McConnell Unleashes Two-Thirds of Decepticon Caucus to Keep Borders Open…
Delivering a targeted message from U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Dohonue, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unleashed twelve members of his Decepticon caucus to rebuke the border security efforts of President Donald Trump.
Doing what he does best, Leader McConnell held back (protected): John Thune, John Cornyn, John Barasso, Mike Crapo, Ben Sasse, Thom Tillis & Cory Gardner. However, the remaining dozen (see below) were permitted to vote against the President for Joint Resolution (H.J. Res. 46 ):
The support for the U.S. Chamber’s open-border initiative is McConnell’s strongest showing yet that he controls almost enough votes to support impeachment; if the President continues to advance policy initiatives not supported by The Chamber and Business Roundtable.
Despite McConnell’s effort/threat President Trump has vowed to veto the resolution.
Between Tom Donohue and the Business Roundtable they spent almost $118,000,000 last year funding UniParty votes for their Wall Street initiatives and legislation. Open-ended immigration is the holy grail for the multinationals. Their K-Street community will not allow border security without putting up a very serious fight. There are trillions at stake.
Delivering a targeted message from U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Dohonue, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unleashed twelve members of his Decepticon caucus to rebuke the border security efforts of President Donald Trump.
Doing what he does best, Leader McConnell held back (protected): John Thune, John Cornyn, John Barasso, Mike Crapo, Ben Sasse, Thom Tillis & Cory Gardner. However, the remaining dozen (see below) were permitted to vote against the President for Joint Resolution (H.J. Res. 46 ):
The support for the U.S. Chamber’s open-border initiative is McConnell’s strongest showing yet that he controls almost enough votes to support impeachment; if the President continues to advance policy initiatives not supported by The Chamber and Business Roundtable.
Despite McConnell’s effort/threat President Trump has vowed to veto the resolution.
Between Tom Donohue and the Business Roundtable they spent almost $118,000,000 last year funding UniParty votes for their Wall Street initiatives and legislation. Open-ended immigration is the holy grail for the multinationals. Their K-Street community will not allow border security without putting up a very serious fight. There are trillions at stake.