Americans have an estimated 300 million privately owned hand guns and some people present this fact as the reason why no foreign power, or even our government, could ever subjugate the people. I am compelled to disagree with this notion.
Once upon a time that may have been true as World War II era Japanese Admiral Yamamoto refused to invade the United States following his attack upon Pearl Harbor because there would be “an American with a gun behind every blade of grass”. However, if our government ever became abusive enough that the people felt the need to rebel, there is a new generation of super weapons being developed and deployed as I write these words, which would doom any rebellion that did not have the full support of the military.
The new generation of super weapons has made America vulnerable to enemies, both foreign and domestic. As a result, the window to resist martial law occupation and even an invasion is virtually closed.
Recently, I made the point that Americans were being surveilled in “Police State” America with a new generation of spy devices that were totally unimaginable. Today, America is on the verge of being suppressed by an equally sophisticated generation of weapons that the general public would only believe that these weapons exist in the science fiction dramas of the future. Only these weapons are right here and right now!

The rules of Guerrilla warfare have changed. The Red Dawn scenario in which average people, like the Viet Cong, can resist an invader belong to era in the past.
Afghanistan is proving to be the beta testing ground for many of these weapons as was Iraq. The following breakthroughs in military technology have very little value on the battlefield in a conventional war. In other words, the weapons discussed in this article are designed for war against Russia. They are designed for war against the American people! These weapons systems are anti-guerrilla orientated and they are designed for Americans who will soon try to put a stop to the unfolding tyranny of the bankers who have hijacked our government. We are entering into a new type of guerrilla warfare with extreme counter-measures designed and created by DARPA which is the top secret research arm for the Department of Defense.

Many analysts feel that the greatest threat to, not only Americans, but humanity as a whole, is tied to the development of artificial intelligence in the name of Robot soldiers. These “robot soldiers are capable of autonomous decision making in terms of carrying out their mission. They come equipped with facial recognition software and when the subjugation and subsequent roundups of American citizens begin in earnest, these “soldiers” will be the main enforcement agents.
The physical prowess of these robots is stunning as they can reach speeds up to 30 mph. In times of civil unrest or combat, imagine your neighborhood was forcibly evacuated, these robots would make excellent clean up troops. Armed with facial recognition, rebel forces leaders could be targeted and eliminated. There will nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
Americans have an estimated 300 million privately owned hand guns and some people present this fact as the reason why no foreign power, or even our government, could ever subjugate the people. I am compelled to disagree with this notion.
Once upon a time that may have been true as World War II era Japanese Admiral Yamamoto refused to invade the United States following his attack upon Pearl Harbor because there would be “an American with a gun behind every blade of grass”. However, if our government ever became abusive enough that the people felt the need to rebel, there is a new generation of super weapons being developed and deployed as I write these words, which would doom any rebellion that did not have the full support of the military.
The new generation of super weapons has made America vulnerable to enemies, both foreign and domestic. As a result, the window to resist martial law occupation and even an invasion is virtually closed.
Recently, I made the point that Americans were being surveilled in “Police State” America with a new generation of spy devices that were totally unimaginable. Today, America is on the verge of being suppressed by an equally sophisticated generation of weapons that the general public would only believe that these weapons exist in the science fiction dramas of the future. Only these weapons are right here and right now!
Advanced Anti-Guerrilla Warfare Tactics of the Globalists

The rules of Guerrilla warfare have changed. The Red Dawn scenario in which average people, like the Viet Cong, can resist an invader belong to era in the past.
Afghanistan is proving to be the beta testing ground for many of these weapons as was Iraq. The following breakthroughs in military technology have very little value on the battlefield in a conventional war. In other words, the weapons discussed in this article are designed for war against Russia. They are designed for war against the American people! These weapons systems are anti-guerrilla orientated and they are designed for Americans who will soon try to put a stop to the unfolding tyranny of the bankers who have hijacked our government. We are entering into a new type of guerrilla warfare with extreme counter-measures designed and created by DARPA which is the top secret research arm for the Department of Defense.
DARPA’s sole purpose is built around the goal of developing more efficient and greater means of killing. For those of you who have not figured out, we are about to enter American hunting season and you are the game, you should know that when these weapons systems are deployed in sufficient numbers, the game is over.
Robot Soldiers

Many analysts feel that the greatest threat to, not only Americans, but humanity as a whole, is tied to the development of artificial intelligence in the name of Robot soldiers. These “robot soldiers are capable of autonomous decision making in terms of carrying out their mission. They come equipped with facial recognition software and when the subjugation and subsequent roundups of American citizens begin in earnest, these “soldiers” will be the main enforcement agents.
The physical prowess of these robots is stunning as they can reach speeds up to 30 mph. In times of civil unrest or combat, imagine your neighborhood was forcibly evacuated, these robots would make excellent clean up troops. Armed with facial recognition, rebel forces leaders could be targeted and eliminated. There will nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
Watching Every Move You Make

Meet the New “Boss”

Many gun owners mistakenly believe that they are going to be able to carry out acts of guerrilla warfare and/or terrorism against an illegitimate government as they begin to lock-down the country under a martial law takeover. Thwarting most ideas of a successful revolutionary effort can be found inthe Battlefield Optical Surveillance System (BOSS),which is a device that can be mounted on a truck that scans and deciphers the landscape with lasers and sensors. When it sees the almost imperceptible glint of a rifle scope, or more amazingly it also recognizes you through your retinas as the detection device “paints” you with a laser beam, just prior to your demise.
And even in the unlikely event that you can slip into firing range of your intended target, the Boomerang countermeasure system uses an array of microphones which will be able to instantly decipher the speed and direction of your shot, based on the muzzle report and the shock wave of the bullet as it zips past. Immediately, Boomerang knows where the shot came from, and even what kind of weapon was utilized. This system will reduce all future sniper missions to a Kamikaze endeavor. Therefore, it is a safe bet that prior to moving globalist controlled forces into an area to conduct a roundup of American citizens, BOSS and Boomerang will be employed to detect any possible resistance and eliminate the resistance by calling in a drone strike. Unfortunately, this technology is currently available.
Raise the Shields
This technology has come to so far that even if someone in your neighborhood struck a deal with al Qaeda and obtained a couple of RPG’s that the late Lybian Ambassador Stevens sold to the terrorists before he was murdered, it would not matter. The new DHS armored personnel carriers are being outfitted with the following technology which make them impervious to harm.Micro Air Vehicles
Maybe someone in your neighborhood struck a deal with al-Qaeda and obtained a couple of RPG’s that the late Ambassador from Libya sold to the terrorists before he was murdered by the administration to make the trail go cold and cover up the fact that our government, through the CIA was supplying weapons to terrorists in order to promote regime change. If you had an RPG, you might actually feel that you had a chance against the armored personnel carriers which will be used by DHS in a time of civil insurrection. Or, maybe you could shoot down a Predator B drone.Do you remember the 2700 armored personnel carriers obtained by DHS? In the not too distant future, we will witness the fact that these vehicles will be virtually indestructible.
Mico-aerial vehicles (MAVS) is a game changing event. There is no way that a civilian insurgent force has the capacity to counter this technology. We know about the drones and they are deadly enough, but the MAV’s are more deadly. According to my sources, this technology is being beta tested in Afghanistan, which means that full deployment cannot be far behind.
What happens when these MAV’s incorporate the existing autonomous decision software? Well, that day is here. The autonomous decision-making in robots is so sophisticated and so integrated in the DARPA based military systems, that the University of Edinburgh actually teaches a class related to this technology.Battlefield robots are already fully autonomous. How long will it be until these devices begin to become so self-aware that they will begin to see humanity as a threat? Certainly the movie industry has picked up on this idea. The technology presented in this article is primitive compared to where this is all headed and this will be the topic of the next article on “weapons of enslavement” which could potentially be used on the American people.