Fort Hood Troops Warned NOT to Donate to Tea Party or Christians: Tea Party Radical, Tearing This Country Apart
THE WARNING SIGNS ARE EVERYWHERE. The persecution coming to the military, will get stronger and stronger as the Tyrant and Chief continues to purge the military of some of its best. Don't think it will stop their, it is only beginning with the military. -W.E.
That warning was given to troops at a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood, Texas. You remember Fort Hood. The place where a “devout” Muslim soldier killed 14 in the name of his god in an obscene and absurd case of so-judged workplace violence. Not fanatical Islamic radicalization. No. The killer simply believed what he read in his holy book and obeyed. Nothing “radical” about that. No need to war troops if the evils of Islam.
Officers, sworn to protect and defend the Constitution stepped into that dark place and allegedly told soldiers the Tea Party and the American Family Association are “tearing our country apart,” and that they could be disciplined under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Don’t donate to the tea party or to evangelical Christian groups — that was the message soldiers at a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood said they received from a counter-intelligence agent who headed up the meeting.An unidentified soldier is asking, “can I go to church, can I tithe, can I donate to Christian charities? What if I donate to a politician who is a part of the tea party movement?”
If you do, you could face punishment — that was the other half of the message, as reported by Fox News
The briefing was Oct. 17, and about a half-hour of it was devoted to discussion about how perceived radical groups — like tea party organizations and the Christian-based American Family Association — were “tearing the country apart,” one unnamed soldier said, to Fox News. Source: Washington Times
According to the Washington Times a second soldier confirmed the warnings, but Ft. Hood is denying it happened:
This is just the latest outrage in a long train of disgraces. Just days ago, soldiers at Camp Shelby in Mississippi were instructed that the Christian conservative American Family Association is a domestic hate group. A month earlier, a security presentation portrayed the Founding Fathers as extremists. Before that, Breitbart News reported on a Christian chaplain who was officially censored by military commanders for talking about the importance of religious faith. And several months before that, Lt. Col. Jack Rich at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, instructed soldiers that traditional Christian beliefs are incompatible with “Army values.”Judicial Watch obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) labeled the American Family Association a “domestic hate group” along with the Family Research Council (FRC). Through the documents, Judicial Watch found that The Southern Poverty Law Center is consider an approved source for information along with its affiliate Teaching Tolerance:
All this started in April, when Breitbart News broke the story of top Pentagon brass meeting with an anti-Christian activist calling for court-martialing observant Christians who share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others in the military. This activist calls them “fundamentalist monsters” who are “enemies of the Constitution” and should be punished for “sedition and treason.”
Ironically, SPLC is the only group in this news report linked to terrorism, as convicted domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins told the FBI in a videotaped and signed confession that he chose his targets for an attempted mass-shooting at FRC from SPLC’s hate group list, including a map of how to get to FRC’s office. He then had the names and locations of other traditional groups he was going to target after murdering whoever he could in FRC’s building. Read more at BreitbartSure, Obama knows nothing about this. H/T Poor Richard’s News – read commentary here.
Linked at Blogging Dawg Style – read how the O-Care cancellations are up to 1.5 million