I am making no claim to understand what happened at the Boston Marathon.  I do believe some of that whole bombing scenario had elements of Bizzarro World.  Just sayin'.

I think we can guesstimate that most likely this PDF was created some three years ago based on a picture in the presentation of the 110th Boston Marathon whereas this years was the 113th. 

Click this link to view a Boston government PDF entitled:

 "Marathons" A Tale of Two Cities and The Running of a Planned Mass Casualty Event" 

 Some of the highlights from the "Presentation Overview" include:

  • Planned Disaster Content
  • Groundwork
  • Planning
  • Collaboration
  • Execution
  • Evaluation and Analysis

Under "Collaboration" we find this interesting tidbits:   

"Working With The Media" 
"Their mission is to get a story.  Building a long standing relationship with journalists and reporters ensures that they get the right story and that they serve as a resource when needed"

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