Sen. Paul to Sec. Clinton: I Would Have Relieved You of Your Post
I think it is safe to say that Hillary has now officially removed Rand from her Christmas list. - W.E.
As Sec. of State Hillary Clinton sat before a Senate Committee for
questioning this morning, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) looked at her and made one thing clear:
"Had I been president at the time [of the Benghazi attack] and had I
found that you had not read the cables from Benghazi...I would have
relieved you of your post."
Added Paul: "I think it's inexcusable that you did not know about this and that you did not read those cables."Although Hillary had made earlier attempts to explain how circuitous the path to her was on Sept 11, 2012, Paul was not buying it. Instead, the Senator said:
I would think by anybody's estimation Libya had to have been one of the hottest of hot spots around the world. Not to know of the requests for security really...cost these people their lives. Their lives could have been saved had someone been more available, had someone been aware of these things, [been] more on top of their job.