Killer Robot Soldiers, Cyborg Moths And The Quest For The Ultimate Human

Nano Hummingbird performing a loop.
AeroVironment recently completed the second phase of flight tests for the Darpa contract. During the trials, the hummingbird hovered for eight minutes straight, flew at 11 miles per hour, and soared from outdoors to indoors and back outside again through a normal doorway. In addition to being able to climb and descend vertically, the Nano Hummingbird can flight forward and backward.

Could robots be the next evolution in military weaponry? 
We have known for a couple of years that DARPA has made or is at least working on cyborg moths. Yes, half moth, half machine. Of course we know that Drones are here and drones are going to become much more prevalent in warfare and even on the homeland they are currently being used by local police as well as the Feds, with more, much more to come.  We know that defense contractor BAE Systems has a "vision for "Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology" -- tiny, swarming, bug-like robots. The Army just gave the company a $38 million contract to head up a consortium of researchers into the next-gen mini-drones."(see video below) Hummingbird drones have made the rounds on the internet and you-tube.  Quite frankly, what is real and what is disinformation is anyone's guess. My guess is what we allow civilians to see, Russia and China both already have, and all three of us are way ahead technologically of what we are allowing other nations to just pull up on the internet.  Speaking of China, they have just unveiled their latest "killer" drone, thought to be largely copied from the U.S. MQ-9 Reaper.   And why not, since they are hacking us daily and sometimes gone unnoticed for months.  I wonder if there is anything China doesn't know about the U.S. military and strategy.

I would contend that we very well could see the day where some of our "soldiers" are robots and some of our soldiers are cyborgs.  I know I know, that is pretty far out there. There are billions being spent in this country and around the world having to do with Trans-humanism and cloning.  Suffice it to say that these two subject matters are in the early stages, but no longer in their infancy either. The Pentagon is currently spending $400m a year researching ways to “enhance” the human fighter.

Via the Vigilant Citizen:

The defence giant Lockheed recently unveiled its “Hulc” (Human Universal Load Carrier), a science fiction-like, battery-powered exoskeleton that allows a human to lift 100kg weights and carry them at a fast run of 16kph (10mph). The videos of the Hulc in action are truly impressive. Superman strength is one thing, but soldiers still need to sleep. In Afghanistan the average soldier in combat gets only four hours’ rest a day and sleep deprivation is the single biggest factor in reducing fighting performance. Not only are tired soldiers less physically able to fight and run, they make more mistakes with the complex weapons systems at their disposal – mistakes that can prove deadly to themselves and their comrades.
Using chemistry to attack fatigue is, of course, nothing new. Two centuries ago, Prussian soldiers used cocaine to remain alert and Inca warriors used coca leaves to stay alert long before that. Since then, nicotine, amphetamines, caffeine and a new class of stimulants including the drug Modafinil have all been used successfully, to the extent that American soldiers can now operate normally even after 48 hours without sleep. Now the chemists are trying to tweak the molecular structure of this drug so that it will switch off the desire for sleep for even longer.


BAE Systems has a "vision for "Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology" -- tiny, swarming, bug-like robots.



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