Obama Executive Order Will Nationalize the Demonization of US Veterans as Mentally Ill


The demonization of US veterans has been a reoccurring theme in mainstream media of late.
Last week, it was recounted by mainstream media (MSM) that Terence Tyler, former US Marine had opened fire on his co-workers at a New Jersey supermarket called Pathmark before turning the gun on himself.
Tyler was reported to have been carrying an AK-47 with several rounds of ammunition, as well as a handgun when he began “shooting seemingly at random” into the supermarket. The semiautomatic weapon Tyler used in the shooting is purported to be illegal according to New Jersey state laws if it is enhanced with elements that would raise the gun to the level of assault rifle.
Bruce Kaplan, Middlesex County prosecutor said that there were 16 shots fired in the Pathmark store at 4 am wherein 2 co-workers of Tyler were killed. Kaplan asserts that he does not “believe they were specifically targeted. I believe everybody in the store was a target. It appears he opened fire on the employees that he observed in the store when he entered the store.”
Richard Ulsh, Marine Corps Captain and spokesman confirmed that Tyler had been in active duty between March of 2008 and February of 2010 in California and was discharged as a lance corporal with a specialty as a rifleman. Ulsh also stated that Tyler was part of the “national emergency” unit that would be deployed in the event of a terrorist attack.
By using Tyler’s Facebook and Twitter accounts to demonize him, the MSM are claiming that Tyler was a depressed, ticking time-bomb just waiting to explode. By citing a post on his Twitter account (which has since been locked to public view) Tyler allegedly said three years ago: “is it normal to want to kill ALL of ur coworkers?”
This comment does not fit the facts begin reported by the MSM that Tyler began his employment with Pathmark only 2 weeks ago – when the Tweet about co-workers was stated over 3 years ago.
In case of former US Marine Brandon Raub , we witnessed the indefinite detention of a decorated solider under the guise of mental instability for speaking out against the US government on Facebook.
Many others, including a radio talk-show host and more former military have been forcibly removed from their homes and taken to VA psychiatric wards where they were sequestered and threatened with the intention to not only remove their guns, but also possibly use dangerous cocktails of psychotropic drugs to control their minds.
Last week, Obama signed an executive order (EO) entitled, “Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families” with the supposed focus on strengthening “support for the emotional and mental health needs of our service members and their families.”
In this EO, Obama takes control over the evaluation of the mental health of our returning service men and women by providing US government controlled “effective mental health services for veterans, service members, and their families.” Obama is authorizing the coordination of the Departments of Veterans and the Department of Defense (DoD), as well as the Departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Defense to “transition” veterans back into “civilian life”.
Keeping in line with touting all veterans as mentally defective, substance abusers and suicidal, Obama demands that the VA and the DoD collaborate to provide proactive measures and a psychiatric pre-screen of returning service men and women to prevent erratic behavior. The DoD will “review all existing mental health and substance abuse prevention, education and outreach programs” within the military services and access their effectiveness.
During a private “roundtable” discussion at Fort Bliss in Texas, Obama met with members of the military and addressed active duty troops. The Obama administration’s focus is on identifying and “providing additional support” to soldiers who have been diagnosed with “post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries (TBI)”.
Previously, the DoD have come out publicly to state that US veterans suffering from TBI and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) are considered potentially violent and dangerous.
Doctors for the DoD claim CTE is an incurable disease soldiers may develop after having injured their brain in battle. CTE is explained as causing large bursts of anger and depression while having their vital motor skills and memory impacted; as well as being degenerative of whose effects can manifest themselves days, months or years after the initial trauma.
The DoD is tracking soldiers diagnosed with TBI/CTE because, according to the US government agency, they may display personality changes that could come on without warning and effect their ability to acclimate back into American society.
At Fort Detrick and Fort Bragg, in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the US military is conducting clinical trials on 2,000 solders to create a medical screen to detect a person’s propensity toward TBI/CTE by measuring biomarkers.
The Obama administration devised a report in 2011 entitled “Strengthening Our Military Families” that focuses on the mental stability of our US service men and women. It questions whether or not their exposure to battlefield conditions, TBI/CTE, and diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) is causing them to be a potential danger to society. Hidden under bureaucracy of promising to develop governmental systems to aid veterans, the document is directed at identifying all veteran’s potential to become mentally incapacitated due to some psychiatric disorder which would cause them to become violent, depressed, aggressive and inevitably dangerous to society.
The EO also allocates the US government-sponsored use of local community mental health clinics, community health centers, substance abuse treatment facilities, and rural health clinics to assist the DoD in identifying veterans who may be suffering from mental illness and would therefore have federal agencies working with private sector health providers to ensure veterans get the psychiatric help they need in “a timely way”. Obama has ordered 15 “pilot projects” to be established to create an integrated mental health system wherein the DoD would have complete oversight. The DoD would also be at the liberty of defining the parameters of the objective need of mental healthcare of veterans.
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs (SVA) will employ 800 peer counselors by 2013 that will be controlled and disseminated by the DoD under directives of the SVA. Collaborative tools and monetary oversight will remain with the SVA as an estimate 1,600 mental healthcare workers is expected to be needed to deal with the issue of mentally ill veterans nationally.
A National Research Action Plan will be established by May of 2013 that will be sponsored by the US government to use biomarkers for “early diagnosis and treatment” of veterans who tested positive for a propensity toward TBI/CTE. Obama wants to integrate electronic data sharing of information about veterans and their predetermined mental status between federal agencies, academia and state-sponsored research facilities to create pharmaceutical and psychiatric answers to this supposed burgeoning problem.
The goal of the Obama administration is to devise a “comprehensive longitudinal mental health study with an emphasis on PTSD, TBI, and related injuries” to identify mental health issues in veterans and enroll veterans in a long-term plan coordinated with the Department of Veteran Affairs which will be directed by the DoD.
The creation of a Task Force to advise Obama on how to deal with mental illness and veterans will be established within 180 days of the EO. This Task Force will alone define specific goals on how to best combat veterans alleged fall into mental illness with specific regard to TBI/CTE and post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD).
The US government’s goal is to identify these veterans and label them with a progressive, unstable and degenerative disease so that they can refer them to mental hospitals for further evaluation and/or admittance.
The manufactured threat of US veterans stems from the 2009 Department of Homeland Security report entitled Rightwing Extremism. This report clearly outlined that veterans, because of their diverse training in tactical operations, would be a decisive threat to the US government’s plans to declare martial law against the American public in the near future. Defined in the document were domestic extremists, particularly white supremacists, were proposed to be the newest and most dangerous threat to the US since al-Qaeda.
The US Armed Forces have “discovered” that white supremacists have infiltrated the US military and will the assistance of the FBI-sponsored Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Zionist-controlled Anti-Defamation League (ADL), they are creating a training course to teach active duty military how to spot those infiltrators in their own ranks.
This new EO, the Obama administration’s focus on being able to label military active and former as mentally ill and detain them in psychiatric hospitals is happening right now. As we have seen in the recent weeks, many of our former service men and women are being carted away to mental wards because the indefinite detention provision in the NDAA has been ruled unconstitutional by New York District Court Judge Katherine Forrester.
However, committing an individual to a mental hospital is not illegal. Our veterans, under this new attack for their sanity is also weighing against their right to bear arms. In every case of detention by way of mental illness of late, those removed were also relived of their guns.
This kind of control over citizens by government was practiced by Mao in China, Communist Russia and Nazi-controlled Germany. As following in the footsteps of previous dictators, Obama is proving himself to be the next in a dangerous line of Fascist controllers who will imprison his own military if need be to accomplish his goals set forth for him by the global Elite.

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