Fast & Furious More Sinister Than You Thought
At this moment, Attorney General Eric “Know When to Holder’em” Holder is meeting his political Waterloo after stonewalling Congress regarding the odious Fast and Furious scandal.
Above all, let’s remember Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and his family in the wake of his death.
In brief, Fast and Furious refers to a goofy weapons sale scheme hatched by The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, or ATF, in which guns were sold to so-called “straw purchasers,” who in turn were transferring the weapons to Mexican drug cartels. The idea was – I’m not making this up – to pounce on the whole enchilada, as it were, and arrest the cartel members along with the gun runners.
That works swell in theory, or in a Nicolas Cage movie, but when officials prevented agents from intercepting this network, 2,000 weapons slipped through the “dragnet.” Although 700 of them were eventually recovered, one was used to kill Agent Terry on the night of December 14, 2010.
We are now at the point of prying open the scandal, and Katie Pavlich’s new book, “Fast and Furious,” is a key piece of the puzzle.
Frankly, I believe the books produced in the last few years exposing Barack Obama are important, but Pavlich might have the most crucial book of them all, outlining not only Obama’s personal assault on the Second Amendment, but also the breathtaking depth of the scandal.
Pavlich, news editor for Townhall, has more guts than most, and her investigative skills make “Fast and Furious” the book a stunner.
Obama, mentored by liberal legal scholar Laurence Tribe, added to his agenda a plan to control the flow of guns in the United States. One can see, then, how Fast and Furious unfolded: sell weapons to the bad guys, keep the good guys from confiscating them. Holder, the nation’s top cop, has been in a tug-of-war with Congress, particularly Congressman Darrell Issa.
This is just a taste of what Pavlich uncovers:
“The trafficking of drugs and illegal immigrants across the border is on a massive scale. In 2010, in the Tucson sector alone, nearly 400 tons of marijuana were seized, and 180,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended.”
My friends, America is being fundamentally changed by change agents, and I firmly believe that if Barack Obama winds up being a one-term president, handing over power to Mitt Romney next January, books like “Fast and Furious” will have played a large part. For Pavlich has investigated a shadowy, little-known story and made it pulsate with chilling candor.
Here is another incredible tidbit Pavlich uncovered:
When Mexican officials demanded that the U.S. come clean and answer questions about just who had allowed guns to fall into the hands of narco-terrorists, Deputy Secretary of State William Burns paid a little visit to Mexico’s Foreign Secretary, Patricia Espinoza. Message? Shut your yapper, or we will withhold a $500 million payment involving the Merida Initiative, a program that funds training to combat drug trafficking.
Pavlich’s inside source revealed this sickening exchange.
In Chapter 10 of “Fast and Furious” (“Connecting the Dots”), Pavlich remembers a most interesting conversation at a fundraiser for Brian Terry’s family. I won’t reveal more of what was said, but you will particularly enjoy learning just how the Obama Administration replaces outgoing officials with more of the same – those who will be yes-men and keep the dirt under the rug.
Included in “Fast and Furious” is a stunning series of appendices, documents that expose the heinous efforts to deceive the American people and Mexican officials, who now must deal with the added stress of more high-tech weapons in the hands of madmen.
It is estimated that hundreds of Mexican citizens have been killed using the weapons involved in Fast and Furious; many more will suffer the same fate. It is mind-boggling to learn that American officials could be so stupid. Or is it something else? Pavlich’s research indeed uncovers such a sinister undercurrent of activity coming out of Washington that one struggles to process it all.
Katie Pavlich’s book, “Fast and Furious,” is one that everyone needs to read and discuss widely. If you value your freedoms and the right to bear arms, this is one book you must have.
We are now at the point of prying open the scandal, and Katie Pavlich’s new book, “Fast and Furious,” is a key piece of the puzzle.
Frankly, I believe the books produced in the last few years exposing Barack Obama are important, but Pavlich might have the most crucial book of them all, outlining not only Obama’s personal assault on the Second Amendment, but also the breathtaking depth of the scandal.
Pavlich, news editor for Townhall, has more guts than most, and her investigative skills make “Fast and Furious” the book a stunner.
Obama, mentored by liberal legal scholar Laurence Tribe, added to his agenda a plan to control the flow of guns in the United States. One can see, then, how Fast and Furious unfolded: sell weapons to the bad guys, keep the good guys from confiscating them. Holder, the nation’s top cop, has been in a tug-of-war with Congress, particularly Congressman Darrell Issa.
In the meantime, Pavlich began to pore over memoranda, emails, talk to sources and eventually uncovered the scandal that became this book. You will be stunned when you read this account; what you will read is not a movie.
This is just a taste of what Pavlich uncovers:
“The trafficking of drugs and illegal immigrants across the border is on a massive scale. In 2010, in the Tucson sector alone, nearly 400 tons of marijuana were seized, and 180,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended.”
My friends, America is being fundamentally changed by change agents, and I firmly believe that if Barack Obama winds up being a one-term president, handing over power to Mitt Romney next January, books like “Fast and Furious” will have played a large part. For Pavlich has investigated a shadowy, little-known story and made it pulsate with chilling candor.
Here is another incredible tidbit Pavlich uncovered:
When Mexican officials demanded that the U.S. come clean and answer questions about just who had allowed guns to fall into the hands of narco-terrorists, Deputy Secretary of State William Burns paid a little visit to Mexico’s Foreign Secretary, Patricia Espinoza. Message? Shut your yapper, or we will withhold a $500 million payment involving the Merida Initiative, a program that funds training to combat drug trafficking.
Pavlich’s inside source revealed this sickening exchange.
In Chapter 10 of “Fast and Furious” (“Connecting the Dots”), Pavlich remembers a most interesting conversation at a fundraiser for Brian Terry’s family. I won’t reveal more of what was said, but you will particularly enjoy learning just how the Obama Administration replaces outgoing officials with more of the same – those who will be yes-men and keep the dirt under the rug.
Included in “Fast and Furious” is a stunning series of appendices, documents that expose the heinous efforts to deceive the American people and Mexican officials, who now must deal with the added stress of more high-tech weapons in the hands of madmen.
It is estimated that hundreds of Mexican citizens have been killed using the weapons involved in Fast and Furious; many more will suffer the same fate. It is mind-boggling to learn that American officials could be so stupid. Or is it something else? Pavlich’s research indeed uncovers such a sinister undercurrent of activity coming out of Washington that one struggles to process it all.
Katie Pavlich’s book, “Fast and Furious,” is one that everyone needs to read and discuss widely. If you value your freedoms and the right to bear arms, this is one book you must have.