US Military Now Identifies Bible Believers As Threat To Nat'l Security
Now The End Begins
What if we told you that there exists right now a document, produced and approved by the US Military's School of Advanced Military Studies in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, that identifies people who believe that Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem to rule the world, as one of the greatest threats to US security? What if we also told you that this document has met with acceptance at the upper-echelons of the US Military?
Should you be concerned that one day people who believe this way may be removed from society because they pose a distinct threat? Is it possible that this is why they have been constructing FEMA camps? We have asked you a lot of questions that need to be answered sooner rather than later. Here then, we present for your consideration, our analysis of this official military document known as:
Strategic Implications of American Millennialism
Dated: May 22, 2008
By: Major Brian L. Stuckert, U.S. Army
School of Advanced Military Studies
United States Army Command and General Staff College
Fort Leavenworth , KS 66027
This thesis was approved by:
Timothy Challans, PhD
Monograph Director Robert Taylor, COL ,
MI Monograph Reader Stefan J. Banach, COL , IN Director, School of Advanced Military Studies
Robert F. Baumann, PH.D Director, Graduate Degree Programs
>>Click here to download the entire report in PDF format<<
Bible-believers identified as a threat
NTEB Analysis: It appears the major is attempting to pit the military against a substantial section of the American civilian population. Major Stuckert then claims that millennial beliefs will lead America in a misguided foreign policy that will rely on the military as an instrument of power!
"Military leaders and planners must recognize that, to the extent that actual and potential adversaries may analyze American millennial thought, there may be significant advantages available to the enemy. First, millennial thought and its policy implications may create strategic transparency that affords adversaries an advantage in decision-making. Second, an understanding of American millennial thinking may provide adversaries with the means to manipulate American policy and subsequent action.
Third, the enemy may exploit American millennialism to increase the fragility of and even disrupt coalitions. Fourth, adversaries may exploit American millennialism to demoralize or terrorize joint forces and the American people. By recognizing these potential vulnerabilities, military leaders and planners may take action now to mitigate the effects." SIAM Page 2, paragraph 3
NTEB Analysis: In the very beginning, Major Stuckert opens with a direct attack on pre-millennial beliefs as being dangerous to America . He frames this thesis in really the worst possible warning against pre-millennial believers. He states these beliefs create "strategic hubris" along with "reckless international action." He then states that military planners and strategists need understanding of millennial thought. This section follows:
"The impact of American millennial religious ideas on U.S. Government policy will add to strategic hubris, compel increasingly reckless international action, and continue to over-commit the military in ways the Nation cannot afford. Military leaders, planners and strategists require greater awareness and understanding of American millennial thought. Millennialism has always been a feature of the American culture and has shaped not only the objectives of U.S. government policy, but also the way in which we interpret the words and actions of other actors on the international stage" SIAM Page 1, paragraph 1

Is belief in the soon return of Jesus in the Rapture a "threat" to the US military? Major Stuckert thinks so...
NTEB Analysis: Based on the fourth point, this report must have been rushed to the military leaders in the Pentagon because of the possibility the American army could be demoralized! Notice action must be taken NOW to mitigate the effects of millennialism! This is directly threatening to me and all believers. It appears the major is attempting to pit the military against a substantial section of the American civilian population. Major Stuckert then claims that millennial beliefs will lead America in a misguided foreign policy that will rely on the military as an instrument of power!
"Where contemporary American millennialism is concerned, collective anxiety over things like apocalyptic war, an Anti-Christ alive and at work somewhere on the Earth and the need to secure our eternal destiny by our own hand will lead to a misguided foreign and security policy that increasingly relies upon employment of the military instrument of power." SIAM Page 5 paragraph 2
NTEB Analysis: All of the above quotes have painted a direr picture of American millennialism steering America on a course to misuse the military for religious reasons! Since this report was approved by SAMS, how could it not have been forwarded for urgent action! The report identifies the Bible as the source of pre-millennialism beliefs with the Southern and Independent Baptists along with the Pentecostals as the main adherents to this belief system. The report goes further to name some of the leaders:
"Secular considerations notwithstanding, the single most important factor in western apocalypticism are the Bible, specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. In the Bible and subsequent philosophical interpretations, we can trace the source of our linear, teleological view of deterministic history.12 Millennialism, and especially dispensational pre-millennialism, derives in large part from extraordinary literalism of even the most figurative passages of the Bible." Page 6, paragraph 2,3 This influence is most pronounced within non-denominational, Southern and independent Baptist and Pentecostal churches. The phenomenon of pre-millennial ideas has successfully crossed denominational boundaries during the last three decades, owing much to the success of publishing, broadcasting and other media efforts designed to spread pre-millennialism." Page 7 paragraph 7 "Prominent pre-millennialist writers such as Hal Lindsey, John Walvoord, Tim LaHaye, J. Dwight Pentecost, John Hagee and others assert that their philosophy about the return of Christ has always been the doctrine of the historical church." SIAM Page 13-14
What if we told you that there exists right now a document, produced and approved by the US Military's School of Advanced Military Studies in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, that identifies people who believe that Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem to rule the world, as one of the greatest threats to US security? What if we also told you that this document has met with acceptance at the upper-echelons of the US Military?
Should you be concerned that one day people who believe this way may be removed from society because they pose a distinct threat? Is it possible that this is why they have been constructing FEMA camps? We have asked you a lot of questions that need to be answered sooner rather than later. Here then, we present for your consideration, our analysis of this official military document known as:
Strategic Implications of American Millennialism
Dated: May 22, 2008
By: Major Brian L. Stuckert, U.S. Army
School of Advanced Military Studies
United States Army Command and General Staff College
Fort Leavenworth , KS 66027
This thesis was approved by:
Timothy Challans, PhD
Monograph Director Robert Taylor, COL ,
MI Monograph Reader Stefan J. Banach, COL , IN Director, School of Advanced Military Studies
Robert F. Baumann, PH.D Director, Graduate Degree Programs
>>Click here to download the entire report in PDF format<<
Bible-believers identified as a threat
NTEB Analysis: It appears the major is attempting to pit the military against a substantial section of the American civilian population. Major Stuckert then claims that millennial beliefs will lead America in a misguided foreign policy that will rely on the military as an instrument of power!
"Military leaders and planners must recognize that, to the extent that actual and potential adversaries may analyze American millennial thought, there may be significant advantages available to the enemy. First, millennial thought and its policy implications may create strategic transparency that affords adversaries an advantage in decision-making. Second, an understanding of American millennial thinking may provide adversaries with the means to manipulate American policy and subsequent action.
Third, the enemy may exploit American millennialism to increase the fragility of and even disrupt coalitions. Fourth, adversaries may exploit American millennialism to demoralize or terrorize joint forces and the American people. By recognizing these potential vulnerabilities, military leaders and planners may take action now to mitigate the effects." SIAM Page 2, paragraph 3
NTEB Analysis: In the very beginning, Major Stuckert opens with a direct attack on pre-millennial beliefs as being dangerous to America . He frames this thesis in really the worst possible warning against pre-millennial believers. He states these beliefs create "strategic hubris" along with "reckless international action." He then states that military planners and strategists need understanding of millennial thought. This section follows:
"The impact of American millennial religious ideas on U.S. Government policy will add to strategic hubris, compel increasingly reckless international action, and continue to over-commit the military in ways the Nation cannot afford. Military leaders, planners and strategists require greater awareness and understanding of American millennial thought. Millennialism has always been a feature of the American culture and has shaped not only the objectives of U.S. government policy, but also the way in which we interpret the words and actions of other actors on the international stage" SIAM Page 1, paragraph 1

Is belief in the soon return of Jesus in the Rapture a "threat" to the US military? Major Stuckert thinks so...
NTEB Analysis: Based on the fourth point, this report must have been rushed to the military leaders in the Pentagon because of the possibility the American army could be demoralized! Notice action must be taken NOW to mitigate the effects of millennialism! This is directly threatening to me and all believers. It appears the major is attempting to pit the military against a substantial section of the American civilian population. Major Stuckert then claims that millennial beliefs will lead America in a misguided foreign policy that will rely on the military as an instrument of power!
"Where contemporary American millennialism is concerned, collective anxiety over things like apocalyptic war, an Anti-Christ alive and at work somewhere on the Earth and the need to secure our eternal destiny by our own hand will lead to a misguided foreign and security policy that increasingly relies upon employment of the military instrument of power." SIAM Page 5 paragraph 2
NTEB Analysis: All of the above quotes have painted a direr picture of American millennialism steering America on a course to misuse the military for religious reasons! Since this report was approved by SAMS, how could it not have been forwarded for urgent action! The report identifies the Bible as the source of pre-millennialism beliefs with the Southern and Independent Baptists along with the Pentecostals as the main adherents to this belief system. The report goes further to name some of the leaders:
"Secular considerations notwithstanding, the single most important factor in western apocalypticism are the Bible, specifically the books of Daniel and Revelation. In the Bible and subsequent philosophical interpretations, we can trace the source of our linear, teleological view of deterministic history.12 Millennialism, and especially dispensational pre-millennialism, derives in large part from extraordinary literalism of even the most figurative passages of the Bible." Page 6, paragraph 2,3 This influence is most pronounced within non-denominational, Southern and independent Baptist and Pentecostal churches. The phenomenon of pre-millennial ideas has successfully crossed denominational boundaries during the last three decades, owing much to the success of publishing, broadcasting and other media efforts designed to spread pre-millennialism." Page 7 paragraph 7 "Prominent pre-millennialist writers such as Hal Lindsey, John Walvoord, Tim LaHaye, J. Dwight Pentecost, John Hagee and others assert that their philosophy about the return of Christ has always been the doctrine of the historical church." SIAM Page 13-14