Find Six Keys in McNaughtons Latest Painting

Maggie's Notebook

Utah artist Jon McNaughton has a new painting, Wake Up America, his symbolic representation of what is happening in this country today. In the painting, people reach to the sky for the entitlements that bind us to debt. McNaughton has hidden six keys in the painting that explain the solution. I don’t know how we find the keys without seeing a larger view of his work, but I know where one is because he paints it in, in the video below. Once we find the keys, I’m not sure how we determine the solution that key holds? Does that make sense? I’m sure we’ll hear more about this in the near future. His work is amazing.
One of McNaughton’s most meaningful painting commentaries on current events is The Forgotten Man. It’s message is directed at Barack Obama: “Mr. President, you promised to protect the Constitution of the United States.” See that in the second video below.

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