We’ve already covered Barack Obama’s “if you love me” plea to a North Carolina crowd in his effort to push approval for his jobs plan a couple of times here at Hot Air. I compared the argument to what one hears in a bad relationship; Allahpundit reflected on its narcissism, which isn’t uncommon in bad relationships, either:
Over at NPR, they get a totally different impression of this clip. Frank James thinks it’s divine … literally (via The Corner):
the End Time was near
the economy would be resurrected. But hey, this really is great news for the high-school dating scene. Every teenage boy that tries to pressure his girlfriend by saying, “If you really love me” can now say, “Hey, baby, NPR says I’m Jesus-like!”
Say, remember when news agencies in a free society thought it was their mission to rebut the notion that government officials were somehow divine? Good times, good times.
Over at NPR, they get a totally different impression of this clip. Frank James thinks it’s divine … literally (via The Corner):
The realities of governing as opposed to the unrealities of presidential campaigns may have made President Obama a much more human figure compared with the almost messiah-like status he had in the eyes of many supporters in 2008.
But that doesn’t mean there still isn’t the occasional moment reminiscent of a Bible story.
I quite agree. There’s a lot about tax collectors in the Gospel, as well as false prophets, and … oh, wait, that’s not what James meant:
Here’s John 21:15, the New International Version, describing a scene between Jesus and his disciples:Oh, yeah, I get how feeding Solyndra was totally what Jesus would have done! And he was obviously demanding that the disciples go forth and seize wealth in order to fund those operations. Furthermore, I recall clearly the passage in which Jesus argued for ineffective, gimmicky, pseudo-Keynesian temporary government spending by Rome in order to convince people that
When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter,”Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
the End Time was near
the economy would be resurrected. But hey, this really is great news for the high-school dating scene. Every teenage boy that tries to pressure his girlfriend by saying, “If you really love me” can now say, “Hey, baby, NPR says I’m Jesus-like!”
Say, remember when news agencies in a free society thought it was their mission to rebut the notion that government officials were somehow divine? Good times, good times.